Breaks to Express Milk for Baby
The Barton Law Firm sues employers who deny female employees reasonable breaks as needed in appropriate locations to pump milk or breast-feed a baby.
Here are legal citations and information you might find helpful:
42 U.S.C.A. 2000e (Pregnancy Discrimination Act);
29 U.S.C. 207(r) (Fair Labor Standards Act).
Washington State:
RCW 43.10.005 (Workplace Pregnancy Accommodations);
RCW 43.70.640 (Workplace Breastfeeding);
RCW 49.60.215 (Unfair practices in places of public accommodation);
WAC 162.30.020 (Pregnancy and childbirth related conditions).
King County:
KCC 3.12.247 (Limited duty due to pregnancy; county employees only);
KCC 3.12D.010 (Discrimination and harassment policy; county employees only).
Snohomish County:
SCC 3A.06.040 (Sick and disability leave; county employees only).
SMC Ch. 4.10 (Limited duty due to pregnancy; city employees only).