Leave for Domestic Violence
The Barton Law Firm sues employers who deny employees leave for seeking domestic violence resources, seeking legal or law enforcement help regarding domestic violence, seeking treatment from a health care provider for physical or mental injuries, or helping a family member with any of the above.
Here are legal citations and information you might find helpful:
29 U.S.C. 2601 et. seq. (Family and Medical Leave Act).
Washington State:
RCW 49.76 (Domestic Violence Leave Act);
WAC 296-135 (Rules for domestic violence leave).
King County:
KCC 3.12.220 (Leave policy; county employees only).
Pierce County:
PCC 3.13 (Domestic Violence in the Workplace; county employees only);
PCC 3.80.065 (Domestic Violence Leave; county employees only);
PCC 3.68.020 (Permissible Uses of Sick Leave; county employees only).
Snohomish County:
SCC 3A.06.040-3A.06.080 (Leave policy; county employees only).
SMC 14.16.030 (Paid Sick and Safe Time Ordinance);
SMC 4.24.035 (Paid sick leave use policy; county employees only).